nlpTools - Natural Language Processing Toolkit for PHP

General concept
Text processing framework to analyse Natural Language by performing operations and tasks on corpus data. Hence, this approach focuses on the statistical track of Natural Language Processing (NLP).
Written in the PHP programming language for its suitability to process text on the web (i.e., by definition, the Hypertext Preprocessor).

Loosely coupled modular design, with orthogonality, reusability and extensibility in mind, to not compromise its future growth.

Specific preconditions on parameter types are enforced with Type Hinting on objects and arrays, and casts to string, int, bool or float, on primitive types. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to consider the parameter descriptions in the documentation and to follow the contracts defined in the interface prototypes.

Other preconditions unrelated to type checking are asserted.

The rationale for using exceptions is to throw them only for Exceptional Problems. The strict following of the contracts should suffice to operate successfully.

Alexandre Trilla (atrilla)